The Art of Setting Boundaries

What is a boundary – Simply put, they are a line drawn in the sand. They define how we want to be treated by those around us. Boundaries are not about being controlling; they are a tool we can use to establish how we want to be treated and are essential to healthy relationships.

Why are boundaries important – when we don't have them typically, this leads to a breakdown in communication with ourselves and those we interact with. When we do have them in place, our relationships can flourish. 

How to do it: There are many ways to set boundaries, and everyone should do it differently, because we all have different relationship dynamics, and we most certainly have different expectations. However, there are a few guidelines that can certainly benefit us all. 

1. Investigate: What are your values? Different for everyone, so it's important to take pause every now and again and check in on what matters to you.

2. Identify your boundaries + ask yourself some questions: What is it you need? What do you want? How do you want to be treated? Are these hard limits? Soft? Do they apply to everyone or a specific person/relationship category?

3. Communicate clearly: It is impossible for anyone to truly respect your boundaries unless you are able to communicate them clearly. Make it clear to those in your life that this is something you are doing for yourself. Be kind, clear, open, and, most importantly - direct.

4. Check-in with yourself: Setting boundaries can be uncomfortable when we first start out. So be kind to yourself, check-in, and if need be re-evaluate. It is entirely normal for our values to change, our relationship dynamics to evolve, and in turn, our boundaries may need to adjust accordingly.

It's important to remember that boundaries are incredibly useful in all relationships, whether that be professional, romantic partners, friendships, familial relationships.